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Solve Your Toughest Challenges. Thrive as a Leader. Achieve More.

As a senior leader, you set the ceiling for how far your business will go. Your business will only grow when you do.

Vistage is the world’s largest executive coaching organization for small and midsize businesses. For more than 65 years Vistage has helped CEOs, business owners, and key executives solve their toughest challenges through a comprehensive approach to success. 


At the heart of our proven formula are confidential executive peer advisory boards, business coaching, expert speaker workshops, a web-based best practices library, and access to a worldwide network of 45,000 executives in 20 countries.


Attain Leadership Founder, Fred Petito, chairs Vistage Executive Advisory Boards in the New York City area. Membership in one of Fred’s groups includes monthly one-on-one business coaching sessions with him.


Source: Dun & Bradstreet

Vistage Gets Results

Vistage member companies averaged 4.6% annual revenue growth (2020 vs 2019), while comparable non-member companies saw revenue decrease by 4.7% during the same period.

How Vistage Works

It all starts with a group.

At the heart of the Vistage experience is the confidential peer advisory group. Once a month, you meet to work through challenges and opportunities with 12 to 16 high-caliber executives from non-competing organizations. These peers can help you vet solutions in ways your subordinates cannot.

An accomplished business leader facilitates.

As Vistage Chair, Fred Petito guides group discussions using a proven framework for processing issues and staying focused. Fred also meets with you for monthly one-to-one business coaching to dive deeper into your challenges and opportunities.

Thought leaders challenge your thinking.

Learn from world-class speakers at workshops, regional events and boot camps. They’ll spark innovative approaches to optimizing your business and activate new ideas for personal development.

Research prompts action.

Vistage Research collaborates with the top minds in business to create salient insights for small and midsize businesses. Our thoughtful reports, analyses and webinars help you prepare your organization for the future.

A global network supports.

Connect with business leaders around the world for real-time advice, referrals, and troubleshooting through our online networks. Choose from 22 networks based on industry or special interests.

Events motivate, inform and inspire.

Come together for large-scale or intimate exclusive events to access the experience, wisdom, and insights of your business peers. Provide great opportunities to grow your network with like-minded high achievers.

Open a New World of Possibilities

Ready to succeed at a higher level?

Meeting at the office
Consider joining me if:

You are seeking to achieve better results in all aspects of your life


Vistage members not only tend to live more prosperous and fulfilled lives, but their businesses regularly outperform the competition and achieve higher levels of sustainable growth.


You could benefit from a trusted group of peers with no strings attached


Vistage group members become like family. They develop a unique loyalty to one another based on mutual respect. They hold each other accountable and help each other confront their most pressing challenges. Each of us becomes deeply vested in each other’s mutual success.


You have a desire to grow both professionally and personally


I take great pride in working with each of my members to help them reach the top of their game so they can maximize the positive impact they make on their companies, employees, families, and communities.


If this sounds like something that might be right for you, or if you would simply like more information, I welcome the opportunity for us to connect.

About Fred Petito

  • Over 25 years of experience as a Chief Strategy Officer and C-level executive in public and private global companies, roll-up mergers, and startups.


  • Experienced strategic advisor, and business and leadership development coach.


  • Strategic advisor across a diversity of industries, strategic challenges, and business lifecycle stages.


  • Built and led multiple teams throughout his career.


  • Former practicing attorney.


  • Independent and creative thinker and doer.

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